Monday, February 19, 2007

Spathiphyllum wallisii- Peace Lilly

A perfect house plant for a dark room, with jungle like foliage and simple white flowers this is a national favorite for good reason.

From the little 'Chopin' which is incredibly free flowering to the giant 'Sensation' to which no photo can do justice the peace Lilly's are easy to look after and live for years

Site: Bright indirect light to dark shade.2

Temp: Keep warm over the winter min 60°F.

Water: Water well over the summer months and less over the winter. Place in a pebble tray or mist regularly to keep up humidity. Wash the leaves regularly. It will flop dramatically if it really needs a drink, do not worry water it soon by submersing the pot in some tepid water and it will miraculously come back to life (Don't leave it long though!)

Feeding: A liquid feed every month over the growing season.

Tip: One of the best air purifiers according to research (see our health benefit pages) Healthy Plant


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